ASFINAG, one of the most important sustainable mobility partners in Austria, faces the challenge of identifying its blind spots to discover hidden potential. To this end, ASFINAG - in cooperation with the Austrian Competence Centre for Innovation Procurement and supported by the Vienna Business Agency, Austrian Startups and the Austrian Wirtschaftsservice - is launching a call to bring previously unknown innovative solutions to the forefront!
ASFINAG is a reliable partner and competent provider of information, services and support in all aspects of transport! Let's embark on a journey together to make highway mobility smarter, safer, and more sustainable!
Below you will find an overview of ASFINAG's diverse areas of activity for better orientation:
(1) Construction & Maintenance: Investments in infrastructure for higher traffic safety, increased capacity, and traffic relief (including noise protection). The use of resource-saving, durable technology and materials is as important as the recyclability and reusability of building materials ("sustainable construction").
(2) Traffic & Safety – always well-informed on the highway. Providing information about traffic (e.g., traffic jams, accidents, construction sites, and closures) using traffic infrastructure (e.g., webcams, traffic safety facilities such as acoustic tunnel monitoring).
(3) Construction & Maintenance – safe highways and tunnels. Increasing traffic safety, durability, capacity, and traffic relief.
(4) Parking & Resting: Offering rest areas, gas stations, and restaurants.
(5) Property Management: The properties on which Austria's highways and expressways are located is owned by the Republic of Austria and managed by the Federal Government and the Federal Road Administration. They are managed by ASFINAG based on a civil law usufruct right. Additionally, ASFINAG assumes all rights and obligations of the Federal Road Administration for these properties according to the Federal Road Act. Find more information about property management at:
Submissions are welcome from companies, startups, universities, universities of applied sciences, schools, other research institutions, and individuals.
Desired result
Which central pillars of innovation can the submitted ideas build on?
Within ASFINAG, there are various fields of innovation, with focal points listed below:
Post-Fossil Era
a. Provision of infrastructure for the use of alternative propulsion systems
b. Energy provision
c. Use of alternative energy resources
d. Electrification of construction sites
Use of Sustainable Materials
a. Noise protection
b. Reuse and repurposing of materials
c. Construction projects and new construction
Digital and Multimodal Mobility
a. Digitization of construction sites
b. Digitization / automation in general
c. Inclusion d. Increasing occupancy rates
e. Multimodality
Resilient Infrastructure
a. Energy
b. Human resources
c. Data d. natural disasters and climate risks
e. Geopolitics
ASFINAG is already active in many fields of innovation – click through:
Important Note:
This call is completely open to all topics!
The only requirement: Your idea or solution must be implementable with ASFINAG and legally permissible.
Call for submissions
Submissions are welcome from companies, startups, universities, universities of applied sciences, schools, other research institutions and individuals.
Submissions can be made on various levels:
a) Creative ideas that can help ASFINAG interact more innovatively and future-oriented, even if there is no concrete implementation yet.
b) Solutions that are readily available or have a certain level of market maturity, enabling ASFINAG to act more innovatively and with a future-oriented approach. These solutions should at least have a prototype status or a demo version (digital).
Think beyond the roadside!
Where can ASFINAG develop? What innovative idea would you like to use to make ASFINAG fit for the future?
This is your chance to actively shape the future!
Submit your innovative idea!
Or do you have a product or service that ASFINAG should include in its portfolio or that could expand its portfolio with your solution?
Submit your product or solution!
We are looking for solutions that ASFINAG is not yet aware of!
Inspired by the motto:
"What do you see that ASFINAG has not (yet) seen?"
Outlook for winners:
A professional jury will review and evaluate all submissions. Selected solutions will be invited to the ASFINAG Innovation Safari in Vienna to present their ideas to stakeholders and decision-makers. This exclusive event will take place on May 21, 2025.
Benefits of the challenge and further project development
The sponsor gains an overview of solution approaches and potential partners through this PPPI-challenge. For companies, this means: By participating in the PPPI-Challenge, you will appear on the radar of the public contracting authority and other interested parties. This is important consider innovative approaches in any procurement project according to the Federal Procurement Act. Solutions excelling in the challenge criteria will be named winners. This marks the end of the PPPi-Challenge. For procurement following market research, the provisions of the Federal Procurement Act in its current version apply.
Depending on the results, the further project plan foresees the following:
The prize includes:
• Entry and participation in the Innovation Safari in Vienna
• Date: May 21, 2025
• A booth on-site to present and showcase the solution
• The opportunity to pitch the solution to a broad audience (board members and innovation experts within ASFINAG) and get in touch with decision-relevant stakeholders (potential new clients from the public sector)
The Innovation Safari allows ASFINAG's board, management and employees to explore innovative solutions firsthand and hold direct conversations.
During joint workshops, your ideas and proposed solutions will be refined in collaboration with an innovative team and prepared for possible implementation at ASFINAG.
Later in the day, other potential public sector clients are expected to get in touch with you as well.