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The LaneBlade® is a proven solution to safely clear motorway debris.

Winning solution
Current phase:
Announcement of the winners
  1. Call and submissions completed on 09.09.2024
  2. Queries completed on 03.10.2024
  3. Jury evaluation completed on 22.10.2024
  4. Winners announced from 23.10.2024
Challenge finished

The LaneBlade® is a proven solution to safely clear motorway debris.

Unexpected objects on a motorway are dangerous to motorists and to workers whose job is to remove the objects. J-Tech’s invention, the LaneBlade® is an attachment mounted to the front of an incident response or road inspection vehicle to clear objects safely and quickly from the motorway and to allow traffic to flow unimpeded. It is designed to push objects from the motorway while keeping the operator safe in the cab of the host vehicle. The LaneBlade® has wings to corral objects so that nothing can slip into adjacent lanes to pose added harm. The combination of two side wings, a large center surface (moldboard), and steel wear edges will remove a large assortment of debris including small bolts, appliances, ladders, spilled truck loads, and the common tire tread - with only one piece of equipment! Objects are pushed to the nearest shoulder and removed later during a scheduled event using full resources. With the LaneBlade®, the danger is removed quickly, and traffic moves on safely without obstructions or delays.
What is it?
The LaneBlade® is mounted directly to the frame of the host vehicle. It is made up of three durable rubber-padded sections (center moldboard and wings) that are lifted hydraulically and lowered by gravity to the road surface where they float as a unit, much like a plow over any unevenness of a road surface. The two articulating wings are hinged to the moldboard and fold back aerodynamically when it is stowed for travel and move forward to corral and control debris as it is pushed to the roadside. The operator can deploy or stow the LaneBlade® with a touch of the controller/monitor which also displays a view of the debris. This smart controller will only deploy the LaneBlade® when the vehicle speed is below 32km/h. The deployment speed limiter gives the agency assurance that the equipment is being operated safely by eliminating highspeed deployment which could cause ricochet of hard objects flying into adjacent lanes. The replaceable, sacrificial blade keeps the LaneBlade’s® core structure unharmed if it strikes an immovable object. It is made of steel, but an optional Austrian Küper GK5 blade is available and is often used on roads having raised reflective pavement markings.
How does it handle debris and objects safely?
Unexpected stops on the motorway are deadly. The LaneBlade® introduces a way to handle motorway debris while moving with traffic. A mobile debris clearing process lets traffic flow around the slowing LaneBlade® while it pushes objects off the motorway to a shoulder area. Every agency will develop its own Standard Operating Procedures for the use of the LaneBlade® so their unique working environment will be considered.
Overall motorway safety is enhanced by the LaneBlade® because it quickly clears debris while the worker remains in the cab and not on the roadway and that traffic continues to flow unobstructed without incident.

Added value

What makes the LaneBlade® especially suited to this challenge?
The LaneBlade® has been thoroughly tested in the United States since its creation in the fall of 2019. Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission needed to clear deer carcasses from their highways and asked J-Tech for a solution. J-Tech designed and built 3 prototypes that were tested over a 2-year pilot project in 3 unique locations. Their study found that the LaneBlade® was useful for much more than just removing deer carcasses and their complete satisfaction resulted in 24 units in service.
Today, there are 31 agencies in United States and Canada using the LaneBlade®. More states and agencies are planning for major purchases of the LaneBlade® through US Federal Grants. New attention to worker and road user safety was featured by the Federal Highways Administration’s program: EDC-7(Every Day Counts): Next Generation Traffic Incident Management: Technology for Saving Lives.
May 2024, the University of Maryland completed a rigorous year-long study of highway debris removal processes for Maryland State Highway Administration and advised them on the procurement of the LaneBlade® for debris removal.
Overview of the LaneBlade:

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